Tehama caters to their Customers’ parts requirement from their parts ware house in Aden, Hodeidah, Mukalla, Sana’a and Taiz. The entire parts operation is supported by Parts Management System software. This PMS helps Tehama in planning their parts stock on a regular interval and thus all consumables and fast moving items are made available ex-stock to Tehama Customers. For parts that are not available ex-stock, Tehama is able to import from Caterpillar Parts Distribution Center by the fastest freight mode and bring into country to support their Customers.
Tehama has a Customs Duty Free Parts Ware House in Aden Free Zone. Customers who are exempted from Customs Duty for spare parts are supported from this Free Zone Warehouse on Duty Free basis. Tehama maintains adequate Duty Free parts stock to support these Customers. Tehama supports their Customers with Customized parts kits such as engine overhaul kits, Filter kits – a basket of parts under one part number. For more information please contact Tehama Parts person in the nearest branch immediately.